Zostera marina (continued)


Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Viridiplantae
Infrakingdom: Streptophyta
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Subphylum: Spermatophytina
Class: Magnoliopsida
Superorder: Lilianae
Order: Alismatales
Family: Zosteraceae
Genus: Zostera

Previously known as: Zostera angustifolia, Zostera subg. Zostera marina

Photo Credit: Louise Kane | NOAA Restoration Center

Biological Information/Life History

Growth RateN/A
Size<1.2 m
(Murphy et al. 2011)
Life spanVariable- some annual and some perennial
(Blok et al. 2018)
Spawning SeasonLate spring
(Murphy et al. 2011)
Sessile vs non sessileSessile
ReproductionSexual & asexual
(Murphy et al. 2011)
Age for Reproduction>1 year for flowering (Blok et al. 2018)
Number of offspringN/A
Role in food chainPrimary producer
Dispersal distanceN/A

Common diseases: eelgrass wasting disease (Olesen et al. 1994)

Environmental Tolerances

Temperature RangeDependent on where population originates from
(Blok et al. 2018)
Salinity>10 ppt
(Murphy et al. 2011)
Depth found atIntertidal to subtidal

Human Uses

Zostera marina is often used in restoration projects because it is able to stabilize sediments and improve water quality. Packages often contain eelgrass when shipping blue crabs. Historical uses for eelgrass include mattress stuffing and housing insulation (Murphy et al. 2011).

Fun Fact

Zostera marina has a worldwide distribution (Murphy et al. 2011).


Adams, M. S. (1976). The Ecology of eelgrass, Zostera marina (L.), Fish Communities. I. Structural Analysis. 22(848), 269–291. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0022098176900071

Gambi, M., Nowell, A., & Jumars, P. (n.d.). Flume Observations on Flow Dynamics in Zostera marina Eelgrass Beds (pp. 159–169). pp. 159–169. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps061159

Heck, K. L., & Orth, R. J. (1980). Structural Components of Eelgrass ( Zostera marina ) Meadows in the Lower Chesapeake Bay- Decapod crustacea. 3(4), 278–288. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.2307/1352084

Jacobs, R. P. W. M. (1979). DISTRIBUTION AND ASPECTS OF THE PRODUCTION AND BIOMASS of eelgrass, Zostera marina L., at Roscoff, France. Aquatic Botany, 7, 151–172. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0304377079900196

Murphy, R., Orzetti, L., & Johnson, W. (2011). Plant Fact Sheet. Retrieved from https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_PLANTMATERIALS/publications/mdpmcfs10921.pdf

Olesen, B., & Krause-jensen, D. (2018). Life history events of eelgrass Zostera marina L . populations across gradients of latitude and temperature. (March). https://doi.org/10.3354/meps12479

Olesen, B., & Sand-jensen, K. (1994). Patch dynamics of eelgrass Zostera marina. 106, 147–156. Retrieved from https://www.int-res.com/articles/meps/106/m106p147.pdf

Rice, M. A. (2008). Environmental Effects of Shellfish Aquaculture in the Northeast. (105). Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258224495_Environmental_Effects_of_Shellfish_Aquaculture_in_the_Northeast